Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium's hat-check person, Fedora "Butch" Jenner, while still undecided as to which gender in which to change, has agreed to appear on the cover of the July issue of Vanity Fair...Concise decision making has never been a strong point in Butch's family, but he/she decided the time was right to cash in on some of the uptown money to finance a few pricier options in Dr. Tchytz's sex change catalog...
Among the reasons for Butch's indecision in choosing which gender to go with is the extensive option list available at extra cost to enhance life after the "change"...A bewildering number of sexual splinter groups have begun to make demands for recognition in addition to the traditional hetero/homo/bi-sexual choices...
Some trends, such as metro-sexual, poly-sexual and omni-sexual, have been around long enough to become commonplace, but newer groups such as the "retro-sexuals," championed by an elderly, eccentric Hobby Airport area resident are beginning to cloud the issue...
"Retro-sexuals" only want things to go back to the "old days" as voiced by their Braniff Street leader who consented to an interview, "In my day, men were men, women were women, and the goats just stayed on the farm; now get off my porch or I'll sic the dogs on you!"...Butch's transition has also found support among the famed Kardashian family of celebrities who appreciate having an outlet for all their hand-me-down clothes from their various gender changes...
Butch's Vanity Fair cover is only the first among a summer series of covers featuring queens, as illustrated below...