
Once upon a time, in a political forum far, far away, a disgruntled pot-stirrer named Pappy 19 (aka 94Turbo), unhappy with not having his extremist views taken seriously, resorted to name-calling and accused Truckman of being a "lefty" (as opposed to Pappy 19's far right views)...Members and observers of the forum recognized Pappy's outcry as being a clumsy attempt to misdirect his own ineptitude at argument onto a member with a more balanced vantage point, and laughed Pappy 19 off the site...

By odd coincidence, a new member named Lefty soon joined the discussion board and was quickly identified as an alternate personality (or AP), whose posting activities were restricted to the Bilge forum where rules of decorum were more relaxed...Most members slowly realized from his posting style who was the originator of Lefty, and soon joined in the efforts to counter his outrageous behavior...

Truckman noted that Lefty was probably employed as a towel boy in a gay bath house, and it was soon revealed that said establishment was the Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium located next door to the mansion occupied by another member named Sandblower Airlines (aka SBA or simply Dan)...SBA engaged in many skirmishes with Lefty, and it was soon noted that each could hold his own in the good-natured encounters...

Truckman, Nox, Cap'n Mike and the late great River Rat all took their turns trying to upset Lefty who held his own ground in the insult-riddled brawls...Eventually when Truckman opened his famed Truckman Parody Studios, Lefty became a featured character in Truckman's efforts to keep his forum friends entertained...

When it was noted that Lefty had been spotted in several international news stories, although carefully disguised by the liberal press in an effort to hide his true identity, it was decided that this news blog should be created to expose Lefty's activities to the public (even though Lefty has never hesitated to expose himself publicly)...Lefty has been identified thus far as not only a bath house towel boy, but a religious leader, a crime investigator, a college professor, advice columnist, a government scientist, a UN ambassador, and it is thought he can be linked to positions in the Red Chinese, Iranian, British, Japanese and other governments...

Lefty's libido has raised questions from many corners, but the best guess is he is most stimulated by the lesbians he comes in contact with through his employment in the unisex bath house...His tolerance of the poofters is mostly motivated by his desire to fill his tip jar, plus whatever he can pilfer from their lockers as they frolic in gay abandon...

Lefty has also proven to be a financial wizard as he founded the use of "Bit Coins" to deposit in his tip jar...Theorizing that no one will be desperate enough to risk touching something that has been in a towel boy's mouth, the anti-theft practice is now common in bath houses around the world...

Despite threats and warnings from powerful enemies, fearless publisher Truckman has vowed to keep the innocent and clueless public informed of Lefty's activities and schemes wherever his presence becomes known...Those wishing to avert physical contact with Lefty (a wise decision itself) are advised to avoid the bath house district surrounding Hobby Airport, or the numerous gated communities operated by state and county governments for housing miscreants sent there for re-education...

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