Motorcycle wheel stolen in broad daylight returned to rightful owner in HABHD...
Craigslist ad: Russian submarine for sale in Hobby Airport plywood pool...
Lefty cleared as suspect in JFK conspiracy theory...
FOOFA President Seepy Bladder stuns poofter world, saying he will resign...
Police detonate pressure cooker outside South Houston Taco Bell...
Saggy Career Update...
Truckman Blamed in Diesel Debacle!
Off-duty officer bit man’s groin during fight...
New Poofter species ‘Dwarf Drag Queens’ discovered...
Hair stylist accused of breaching non-compete clause, sued by former employer...
Men who rammed HABH&PE gate were dressed as women...
Fugitive arrested hours after Poofter Stoppers alert issued...
Loaded girl smuggled into county jail found in load of dirty laundry...
Police arrest man over bath tipper truck crash...
Report: HABH&PE ‘Zeroed In’ On Poofters Locker Room Attendant In DeflateGate Investigation...
Federal Judge Affirms the Freedom to Marry in Arkansas...
Police blotter...
Man freed after being trapped in shop wall for three days...
Man arrested after jumping bath house fence, causing leakdown...
Strong odor leads to massive illegal lobster operation...
Jail guard's fellow nudists turn him in to face child porn charges...
Sweden steps up hunt for 'foreign underwater activity'...
Man allegedly videotaped women in bathhouse shower at State Park...
Update: HABH&PE to pay $105 to settle hot tub cramming charges...
Man arrested in connection with museum burglary...
Outhouse outage...
Potato falls out of bank robbery suspect's pants...
Hobby Airport man accused of running Conroe gambling operation...
Stolen Timex watches recovered inside women’s vaginas at Las Vegas hotel...
Peeping tom strips before taking a dip in family's pool...
Toilet at Mont. courthouse explodes...
High court strikes Hobby airport 'poofter zone'...
Woman with fake handlebar mustache robs UT bank...
Officers arrest naked man at White House gate...
Testing, testing...
Lefty sues for patent infringement...
Underwear-clad woman accused of attacking neighbor, burglarizing home...
Lefty cleared of theft suspicion...
Loaded potato...
Handcuffed towel boy defends delay in evacuating stinking South Houston bath house...
Mysterious mystery mystifies all...
Maher: "There Is A Gay Mafia -- If You Cross Them, You Do Get Whacked Off"...
Naked man in cowboy hat caught on video robbing Georgia homes...
Texas high court halts erection-drug disclosure...
Detainees fork over demands to gay caucus...
Scientists create mugshots using DNA...
Toe sucker sought...
Pecker tattoo brings FART team to Hobby Airport man's home...
Naked South Houston man chases burglars, forgets he's naked...
Intoxicated driver strikes deputy along Texas 105...
Breaking crime bulletin...
Sperm Donor Ordered to Pay Child Support...
Nude man found dead on toilet in possible OD at Upper East Side bathhouse...
Lefty faces more questions in bridge scandal...
New charges against Ifar Toften...
Lefty's girlfriend arrested for alleged theft from Walmart...
Cutting edge...
Mall Santa charged with groping elf...
Lefty testifies as expert witness...
Class action...
Police probe finds Lefty not guilty...
Stowaway Lefty suspected in Boeing 787 sabotage...
Preparing for the worst...
Lefty charged with "Gang" activity...
RHM captured after theft...
Law enforcement update...
No cover-up found in motorcycle case...
New charges against Lefty...
Lefty detained in vandalism investigation...
Lefty facing sex charges...Again...
Lefty facing assault charge...
Cascade Kitchen Counselor surrenders law license..
News from Detroit...
Man with meth, mini bike flees after attempted oilfield theft...
News from the legal desk...
Neighbors describe moment Bath house was struck by lightning bolt...
Chit fund scandal widens; Lefty launches probe...
Man Shoves Meat Down Pants in Attempt to Steal...
Lefty mistakenly detained as "marathon bomber"...
Lefty testifies at reservation naming council...
Court news update...
Chew'n'Spit fired...
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