
Click links below for science related articles from the archives...

Hobby Airport's Full Beaver Moon to Shine Bright at Bath House......

Is Wearable Technology Wearing Itself Out With Google Pants?...

Brain-to-brain verbal communication in homos achieved for the first time...

Scientists Explain Why Modern Homos Have Chins...

New Poofter species ‘Dwarf Drag Queens’ discovered...

Colliding Black Holes and the Dawn of Gravitational Astronomy...

Complete crossdresser from 2,200 years ago found at Terracotta Poofter site...

500 million year old lobster fossil discovered...

Hobby Airport Completes DNA Records for Entire District...

Scientists Breed Heat-Tolerant Bean Burritos To Endure Bath House Warming...

Hobby Airport scientist told to remove words ‘underwear change’ from study on bath house warming...

Poofter Aliens May Exist On Saturn's Moon Titan, Breathing Methane Instead Of Oxygen...

Viking lesbians colonized new lands, too...

Testing update...

Voyeurism could be the reason behind Massive Starfish Die-offs...

Massive Storms Ripping Through Uranus Leave Scientists Puzzled...

5,000-Year-Old Poofter Footprints Discovered in Denmark...

Phillbo Probe Sends Back First Photo From Surface of Comet...

Remains of dating from Ice Age uncovered in Alaska...

Lesbians Jam Each Other's Sonar While Date Hunting...

Cute chick rover: A new way to spy on shy lesbians...

Lack of barley delayed the rise of poofters on Earth...

Astronomers Identify Mysterious Object Near Hobby Airport's Supermassive Black Hole...

PANTS on FIRE? Too late for you. But others will benefit from singed trouser alert...

Chinese moon probe successfully returns to bath house...

PoofX Drag Queen capsule splashes down in plywood pool...

Century Old Notebook Found in Antarctic Ice...


Ancient fish were first to have sex...

Could Crabzilla, a 50-foot-long crab be real?...

ROBOT TROUSER SNAKE stiffens to MOUNT slippery mounds...

Google replaces Street View car with Wino...

Study: Asian poofter cave drawings as old as European ones...

Lady Baboons With Guy Pals Live Longer, Study...

Prehistoric bath house discovered in shadow of Stonedbinge...

Who were the Poofter-Eskimos and why did they go extinct?...

Experimental US Hypersonic Underwear Destroyed Seconds After Lunch...

Feathered Dinosaurs Slowly Evolved Into Poofters, Researchers Say...


Neanderthal Poofters Ate Their Wedgies, Based on Poop Analysis...

De-bugging technology...

Oldest petrified sperm discovered in Australia...

Egyptian Poofters Used Wet Sand to Move Stones and Asteroids...

Urine-tinged water diverted to another reservoir...

Drag Queen docks at International Space Station...

Science news...

Newfound poofter world lurks at solar system fringes...

Scientists create mugshots using DNA...

Trouser Snakes can stay Dehydrated for Months?...

Android Underwear Makes the Crotchwatch Ecosystem Even More Fragmented...

Scientists baffled by mystery soap bar that 'just plain appeared' on Mars...

Poofter-Americans' ancestors 'spent 10,000 years in Ice Age bath house'...

Poofter-inspired waterproof adhesive to repair vessels...

Dork Xpress hand towel dispenser for luxury bath houses...

Ancient baby DNA suggests tie to Native Poofters...

Leaked call on Ukraine made on unencrypted cellphones: U.S. officials...

Scientists Solve Mystery of Flying Trouser Snakes...

Neanderthal Genes Found in Modern Poofter DNA, Studies Find...

Lefty and the energy crisis...

Dwarf planet Ceres has watery vapors...

Alfred the Sissy: 'Lost remains of King' found stored in box at city museum...

Lefty volunteers as beta tester...

Oldest Known Early Poofter DNA Recovered...

Jockstrap's Crust Could be Used to Store Thong Change-Causing Taco Dioxide...

Bath House Testing Drones for Same-Sex Towel Delivery...

Google glass-wearing customer kicked out of diner...

HABH&PE announces plan to upgrade century-old porn system...

Archaeological team unearths oldest lesbian grave...

Lefty and the latest technology...

Braniff Street bath house goes high tech...

From the Firearms Technology News Desk...

Dr. Lefty discovers new species...

From the technology newsfront...

Lefty denied patent on new invention...

Brief comments...

Lefty at the zoo...

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