Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hobby Airport's Full Beaver Moon to Shine Bright at Bath House......

Dr. Lefty of the Lesbian Propulsion Laboratory has announced a special viewing of the rare astronomical event, a Full Beaver Moon, tonight through a special observatory hole in the towel boys' locker room at the Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium...Speaking at a hastily organized press conference at the Braniff Street Taco Bell, which Dr. Lefty frequents for lunch on 2-For-One-Tuesdays, he explained that the phenomenon ordinarily does not occur in nature, but certain events have coincided to make it possible...

He said lesbian nude yoga instructor, Mazola McLeglock, usually conducts her weekly advanced class for her lesbian clients the day before the wall of mirrors in her classroom is cleaned of the fish fillet and steam residue produced by her overweight clientele when they use her classroom as a cafeteria for their lunch meetings of Long John Silver's "Barrel O' Cod" specials which are trucked in for their Weight Watchers meetings...These nude dining opportunities understandably release fish-breath and steam emissions which collect on the mirrors...This causes Dr' Lefty and his lab assistants to be able only to view the "moon" side of the exercise classes through the hole drilled from the towel boys' locker room, since their views of the "beaver" sides are obscured by the foggy mirrors...

However, this week an impending janitors strike caused the HABH&PE housekeeping management to have the weekly mirror cleaning scheduled a day early, permitting a full view of both moons and beavers until the observation holes are eclipsed by the roving patrols of midget lesbian security guard, Deputy Dumpy Bunny...Dr. Lefty suggests early arrival for the limited seating provided for this rare event...He also says a surcharge of 25 cents has been added to his normal ticket prices due to the expected high demands for choice viewing spots...Season ticket holders are exempt from the additional charge, but a generous tip is suggested...

Pictured below is senior lesbian housekeeper, Emma Staredown, on duty during a normal mirror scrubbing day...

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