Friday, May 29, 2015

Hundreds expected outside Scottsdale bath house at Ayatollah cartoon contest...

Hundreds of Arizona poofters will gather in the parking lot of the Greater Scottsdale Bath House & Trampoline Academy to protest the recent decision in Iranian Sharia Court by supreme judge, Ayatollah Leph te Rashitch...The event was inspired by a less publicized happening in which a platoon of US Marines held an impromptu contest at Camp Kaboom in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom...

The Marines had just concluded a worship service at the altar of St. Britney during a visit from the chaplain, Father X, who traveled the region in a C-5 Galaxy filled with Coors, the only adult beverage permitted in Iraq since it has negligible alcohol content...After anointing themselves with several sixers each with no effect on their equilibriums, the Marines gathered at a nearby sand dune to relieve themselves and were inspired to draw caricatures of Saddam Hussein in the sand...

Father X blessed their efforts by joining them, although his sand etching was said to more resemble Mitt Romney...The current exhibition was initiated by one of the former Marines who has since converted to poofterism after four tours of duty in Iraq without the sight of an unveiled woman...

Several truckloads of sand have been hauled in from the nearby Arizona desert, and the poofters will compete to see who can draw the most accurate caricature in the sand depicting Ayatollah Leph te after consuming several bottles of the bath house favorite, Hamm's Beer...Hobby Airport oddsmaker, Yugo Leftanescu, will be accepting wagers by cell phone during the competition...

Presidential candidate Phillbo is expected to drop in by parachute as he attempts to land on a large bullseye-painted trampoline sponsored by the Phoenix Chamber of Lesbian Commerce...Phillbo will not participate in the contest as he is considered a professional athlete, and also says he cannot consume Hamm's due to a medical condition in which Hamm's has a corrosive reaction on titanium body parts...

Retired Apache Junction building inspector FredK will act as judge for the event as his reputation for being fair and impartial is beyond reproach...Shown below, two members of the Chamber of Lesbian Commerce test the trampoline for proper tension before Phillbo's arrival...

Update: Interest in this event has been so enthusiastic, it will be repeated in the winter if enough snow falls...Date to be announced...

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