Sunday, November 16, 2014

5,000-Year-Old Poofter Footprints Discovered in Denmark...

Professor Lefty of the highly regarded Institute for Advanced Lesbian Studies has announced another stunning discovery in the quest for information concerning early bath house history...While following leads on the origins of the high concentration of Danish transgender surgery, the professor and his team stumbled into the possible remains of an early poofter shower room...

A now dry watercourse at one time created a waterfall over an enclosed clay bottomed pit where it is theorized that prehistoric poofters gathered to shower...Professor Lefty pointed out clear footprints left in the clay where one of the occupants dropped a bar of soap while another walked up behind him and made an overt connection...

Other footprints indicated an audience had gathered as the ritual progressed, and the professor even found a petrified bar of Dove-scented soap stuck in the clay floor...When asked how he could be certain of his findings, the professor said, "Believe me, I know what the scene of a surprise rear entry looks like, and this evidence is so clear I can almost imagine being there"...

Still unclear is the underlying reason of why so much transgender surgery was concentrated in the Denmark area...Some theorists point to legends of a fierce, red-haired midget lesbian who performed male organ amputations on a nearby stone altar, but this practice may have stemmed from her hatred for men, particularly weapons peddlers...

Other evidence of note includes the odd footprints pictured below which were embedded in the shower room area depicting male footprints dragging a large object between the feet...Professor Lefty's research assistant, Dr. RHM, eagerly volunteered to examine the findings...

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