Friday, April 17, 2015

Scientists Explain Why Modern Homos Have Chins...

Working under a grant from the Jay Leno Foundation, Professor Lefty of the Institute for Advanced Lesbian Studies took his research on a different trail than the grant intended, and may have stumbled across compelling reasons why poofters developed chins on their faces...The reasons for their large, protruding ears and "love handles" on their sides has always been obvious, but scientists have always puzzled over the function of the chin in modern Homo Pooftus...

Since the professor augments his research funds with employment in the Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium as a towel boy, he is able to observe the species in its natural hot tub environment...During these studies, he noted that poofters acting as "catchers" often hang their heads over the hot tub rail as a "pitcher" approaches...

This instinct is thought to be a self defense against drowning as the poofter is able to breathe normally in this position...However, Professor Lefty theorizes that an aggressive "pitcher" could dislodge the "catcher" if their movements became too high-spirited causing the "catcher's" head to sink below the surface...

The professor suggests that early Homo Pooftus grew an appendage which evolved into the modern chin to counteract this happening...Unfortunately, following Professor Lefty's preliminary report, the Jay Leno Foundation revoked his funding preventing his follow-up thesis on the development of noses on lesbians...

However, before his financing was invalidated, Professor Lefty was able to construct the full size model of a prehistoric hot tub depicted below for use in his privately funded unisex laboratory...

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