Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hillary Clinton Said to Be Setting Up Headquarters in Hobby Airport...

After being advised to "get back to the people" in her bid to become the first lesbian US President, Hillary Clinton has chosen to set up her campaign headquarters in the lesbian powder room of the Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium...In view of her invaluable service to her country, Ms. Clinton demanded the corner stall under the main exhaust vent, but was told by powder room attendant Latrina that the stall next to the door was the only one available to her...

Latrina, a refugee and guerrilla freedom fighter from the totalitarian island state of Barmaidia, instinctively resisted taking orders from a power-hungry politician...Hiding her rage, and aware she was being watched by the persistent press vultures ready to catch the slightest slip up, Ms. Clinton graciously accepted the assigned stall, and informed Latrina to expect a crew of contractors to install her desk, phone lines, cable connections and a dedicated power line for her new email server...

In a press statement, Ms. Clinton said, "The right of lesbians to freely assemble in the nude, and vote for the candidate of our choice is a sacred one, and my administration will protect that right if it takes the last penny of the taxpayers' money"...Towel boy, and now liaison to the poofter community for Ms. Clinton's campaign, Lefty, added, "As a longtime observer of lesbian movements, I can assure the American rugmunchers that I stand right behind them, and will bend over backwards in their support"...

Hobby Airport handyman, Gristmill Mikey, went right to work converting Ms. Clinton's toilet stall into a suite of offices, saying this about the budget he was allowed, "I've worked for cheap bosses before this, I know how to make an apple crate look like polished mahogany"...Former President Bill Clinton, an observer of the lesbian scene from a peephole in the towel boys' locker room, promised a "hands-off position" in his wife's bid for his old job...

Mr. Clinton had little explanation for the fresh black eye he displayed following his wife's interview of her new personal assistant, saying with a chuckle, "They shouldn't put those doorknobs at eye level like that, ha-ha-ha"...In an attempt to show solidarity with her main body of supporters, Ms. Clinton has scheduled an exhibition match with former nude lesbian oil wrestling champion, Mazola McLeglock, although Mr. Clinton's offer to referee was nixed by the candidate...

Shown below is a partial view of Gristmill Mikey's conversion of Ms. Clinton's new toilet stall office, which he admits is mostly illusion much like candidate Clinton's campaign promises...

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