Saturday, March 28, 2015

Head of probe says Hillary Clinton wiped email server 'clean'...

LeftyInTheNews has uncovered further revelations in the ongoing investigation concerning another minor bump in the road in the Clintons' marital relations...As reported here earlier, Mrs. Clinton accidentally destroyed her husband's office after he inadvertently sent her an email meant only for his Secret Service team...

Since then we have learned that Mrs. Clinton ordered copies of all messages sent from him to his bodyguard detail which has the responsibility of keeping him out of trouble...The emails were delivered by a lesbian server who then stood by for further instructions...

As Mrs. Clinton read details of a night of drunken debauchery spent with a bath house towel boy named Lefty, she became so enraged she began tearing the clothes off the young lesbian server...Her temper flared even more as she read this message:

"Hey guys, this Lefty dude knows where all the hot babes are!...Let's keep him on speed-dial next time we want to party in South Houston!"...

At this point she threw a bucket of sweet-and-sour sauce left over from her Church's Fried Chicken family-size lunch at the frightened and now nude young server...Losing her anger, she began to wipe the server clean using the extra napkins from her lunch carton...

A probe launched by the House Ethics Committee has revealed that the now aroused Mrs. Clinton offered the young server a negligee she happened to find in her husband's office, along with matching bra and panties, and began to soothe the frightened woman...Unfortunately the probe was not hardened and was unable to penetrate Mrs. Clinton's defenses, leaving any further details to the imagination... 

Pictured below Mrs. Clinton comforts the server while telling her of her promotion as her personal assistant...

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