Monday, October 20, 2014

Jail guard's fellow nudists turn him in to face child porn charges...

Probationary jail guard at the Hobby Airport Correctional Institution, Lefty, has found himself facing charges of his own after showing pictures to inmates of a newly hired guard before her arrival...It was decided by corrections officials to assign a female guard to team up with Guard Lefty as he patrolled the nudist lesbian wing of the prison complex...

Since it was lesbian Mayor Annise Parker's idea to segregate the nudist lesbian inmates, where she personally keeps watch by remote video, she chose to implement the city's Affirmative Action program in hiring a new guard...Her choice of former Montgomery County Deputy Dumpy Bunny, a midget lesbian, was controversial as most observers agree there is little about her that could be described as "firm"...

Guard Lefty decided to show the deputy's picture to the inmates before her arrival so they would know what to expect, and due to Ms. Bunny's short stature and lack of clothing, they assumed Lefty was showing them child pornography in an attempt to get them aroused...Until the investigation is complete, Guard Lefty has been reassigned to mop duty in the conjugal visitation rooms of the prison's male poofter wing, where he is said to be making many new friends...

In the meantime, Deputy Dumpy Bunny has assumed new duties as the Hobby Airport animal control officer...The deputy spoke in a press conference in her whiny, annoying voice of her new ideas to save taxpayers money by encouraging animal adoption, one of which innovations is shown below...

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