Law enforcement officials were baffled in the mysterious theft of 68 pairs of licorice flavored edible panties from Victoria's Secret until sissyweight prizefighter, RHM, tried to exchange them for raspberry flavors...The customer service representative became suspicious when she noticed many of the panties had teeth marks and what appeared to be drool deposits...
RHM subsequently confessed to store loss prevention officers that the edible undies were for the dessert tray at a reception at the Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium, but the company VISA card was maxxed out and he was forced to smuggle them past security officers inside a maternity bustiere in order to make a luncheon deadline...RHM tried to exchange them after finding that several bath house clients were allergic to licorice, and broke out in hives and pustules on the steam room floor...
RHM has retained the services of Mr. C.N. Spitt, Esq. whose office had been recently relocated to an adjoining cell...RHM hopes to be released on bail in time to make his upcoming three round bout with gay porn actor and martial artist, Arnold Swollenpecker...
Crime photographer Dan entered the below photo into evidence before sending the panties to the lab for sweetness tests...
Crime photographer Dan entered the below photo into evidence before sending the panties to the lab for sweetness tests...
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