As always just before Erection Day, the campaign blitz is on...Political kingmaker (and queenlayer) Lefty urges everyone to "stock up on condoms" for this day of national importance...
Lefty explained, "In some countries, you'll never hear anyone speak of having erections, and in other countries erections are all they talk about...But only in America do we have special days set aside for having erections"...
This is why it is so important to have a sufficient stockpile of condoms...Lefty says that just because we no longer have a pole tax, it doesn't mean free admission to the pants pole dance...Lefty urges all who exercise their right to the pole to wrap it up first...
RHM, who operates his male lingerie boutique within the Hobby Airport Bath House & Poofter Emporium, says he has a large selection of all sizes, styles, colors and flavors for his discriminating clientele...RHM states, "My brother Lefty has been known to wrap his pole in Saran Wrap just to exercise his right, but we have a wide variety for all tastes and budgets"...
Lefty says that even those you wouldn't suspect of participating in Erection Day, such as old, reclusive ex-gun dealers or elderly, retired civil engineers, will get out and stand in line with their poles if it's only one day every two years...As Lefty says, "I'd exercise my right at the pole every day if they let me, but I think there's a law against it"...