Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kim Jong-un has not been blown for 37 days and the testicle valve is about to explode...

There is growing concern today for the welfare of those close to North Korean leader and poofter Kim Jong-un as it has been determined by his astrologist that he has not been blown in 37 days...In this, the Korean Year of the Jackass, his astrology advisors calculated that unless his scrotum pressure is relieved no less than once every 38 days, the overpressure valve in his Korean-counterfeited Fruit of the Looms could explode, triggering WWIII...

Even his hand-picked stable of male concubines have all refused to service him at this late date, even under threat of death, due to the danger of decapitation at the time of release...In an unprecedented move, Kim Jong-un's staff of advisors has decided to open diplomatic channels to neighboring China and ask for a specialist...

Red China's Ministry of Laundry, which has jurisdiction over all state-run bath houses, is known to harbor a towel boy named Lef Ti in the Beijing People's Poofter Collective...Although Lef Ti has a unique aura about him known to be offensive to the olfactory senses of Asian poofters, he is also known to accept unusual challenges, especially if a big tip is involved...

Negotiations are underway between the communist nations in an attempt to forestall a nuclear holocaust...Sources close to the bargaining table quoted Lef Ti as saying, "I blow crazy Korean homo, what in it for me?"...

Update: War may have been averted as Lef Ti was seen crossing the China/Korea border carrying a diplomatic pouch of Taco Bell green chili burritos, known to be a hard to get delicacy in North Korea and normally considered contraband punishable by castration...Spy satellites later detected an activity resembling a small explosion in the private chamber area of Kim Jong-un's presidential palace...

Later seen re-crossing the border under truce flags, a disgruntled Lef Ti was heard to mutter, "I save world and all I get is extra ration of soybean egg rolls!"...Shown below is the drive-through rickshaw entrance to the Beijing Taco Bell where Lef Ti emerged with his diplomatic pouch...

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