Friday, September 26, 2014

News from the Vatican...

Religion correspondent Dan reports, "Pope seems uncomfortable with trappings " ... However the report should have read  ..."Obama: Pope seams uncomfortable with crappings" , referring to Lefty's recent visit when he borrowed the Pope's pants, for his new job as Altar Boy.

Update: Correction of data due to error in translation: The Pope now reports that the Vatican laundry mishandled their laundry in which nametags were switched on his and Lefty's long johns...The Pope, of course, is accustomed to the European trap door which buttons from right to left...He inadvertently put on a pair of Lefty's western version which has the traditional left to right 13 button trap door...

The Pope also reports a serious infestation of crotch crickets after donning Lefty's undies, and the basilica will be closed until the fumigation squad sounds the all-clear siren...The translator, Monsignor RHM, has been reassigned to other duties, and the Vatican apologizes for any inconvenience...

Shown below in an undated file photo, the Pope and Lefty sort whites from colors in the Vatican laundry room...

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