Thursday, September 18, 2014

Confidential to Dan...

Noted hygienist Dan has written with a personal question, "I have a very technical social problem. My little daughter saw me reaming out my ears with Q-Tips and sez I should never do that. I asked her then what are Q-Tips supposed to be for? Her couldn't say. Now, my question to you is aren't Q-Tips in your ear better than using a Phillips screw driver?  I keep the screw driver handy to ream out my pipe whilst smoking and it gets clogged up.  As I recall, Lefty uses a jack handle and a shop rag to clean his ears."

Confidential to Dan: We may have stumbled onto one the (many) reasons you're single again...Certainly using Q-tips for personal hygiene of one's orifices is a matter best left to consenting adults...However carrying the used items in your shirt pocket, as you do, for return to the WalMart customer service desk as "defective items" is a clear violation of Emily Post's famous handbook, "Bath House Etiquette"...

Even Lefty knows to dispose of his used ones in an ecologically sound and EPA approved manner...In a former career as a mechanic, I always used the high pressure air hose to dislodge those stubborn waxy deposits, but now that I'm retired, I find the Hoover canister vacuum to be an adequate substitute...

I hope this clears up your confusion (and your ears), and rest assured I won't mention this embarrassing situation to anyone else...

Below, professional towel boy Lefty prepares to wash out his eyes with a pressure washer after a long day of seeing fat poofters frolicking in the bath house...

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